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Welcome to ICMLC 2020

**Special Annoucement**

ICMLC and ICWAPR 2020 will be held virutally by Zoom on 4th, December, 2020 due to the current Covid-19 health emergency. For detail, please click here

Over the years, the International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics (ICMLC) has emerged as the leading international gathering of people from academia, professionals and industry in the field of Machine Learning and Cybernetics. In this annual conference, researchers and practitioners from around the world gather together to interact, to inform and to inspire.

Leading international researchers, including leaders from IEEE, especially the IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society, will serve as Tutorial and Keynote Speakers. ICMLC attendees will have many opportunities to network and discuss their research with these prominent peers. ICMLC also provides a quality platform for the broad dissemination of significant research results and innovative practices through conference presentations and published proceedings. Furthermore, authors have the opportunity of further development of their work via journal and monograph publications too. Additionally, ICMLC has research consultation sessions, well-focused invited sessions on leading technologies, panels on topics of great interest to participants, and conference awards for Lotfi Zadeh Best Paper Awards and Best Student Conference Paper Awards. We invite authors to submit original papers that contain significant research results, development work, and innovative practices to ICMLC 2020. ICMLC 2020 will be held on July 12-15, 2020 in Adelaide, Australia.

Some selected papers will be published in following journals:

01 International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics
Publisher: Springer
Impact Factor: 3.844
Indexed by: SCOPUS, INSPEC, Google Scholar, EI-Compendex, OCLC, Summon by ProQuest
Scope: Machine Learning for modeling interactions between systems, Pattern Recognition technology to support discovery of system-environment interaction, Control of system-environment interactions, Biochemical interaction in biological and biologically-inspired systems, and Learning for improvement of communication schemes between systems
01 International Journal on Wavelets, Multiresolution, and Information Processing
Publisher: World Scientific
Indexed by: SCOPUS, INSPEC, Google Scholar, EI-Compendex, OCLC, Summon by ProQuest, etc.
Scope: wavelet analysis, multiresolution and information processing as well as their applications
01 Granular Computing
Publisher: Springer
Indexed by: Google Scholar, CNKI, EBSCO Discovery Service, OCLC, Summon by ProQuest, etc.
Scope: fuzzy sets, interval analysis, rough sets, shadowed sets, probabilistic sets yet well positioned in the synergistic setup of Granular Computing

Publication Ethics - Penalty against Plagiarism

We firmly believe that ethical conduct is the most essential virtual of any academic. Hence any act of plagiarism is a totally unacceptable academic misconduct and cannot be tolerated. If an author is found to commit an act of plagiarism, the following acts of sanction will be taken:

  1. Reject the article submitted or delete the article from published ICMLC proceedings
  2. Impose a three years ban for the author to submit any article to ICMLC
  3. Report the authors violation to his/her supervisor(s) and affiliated institution(s)
  4. Report the authors violation to the appropriate overseeing office of academic ethics and research funding agency.
  5. Publish the authors name(s), the title of the article, the name(s) of the affiliated institution and the details of misconduct, etc. of the plagiarist
学术道德 - 关于剽窃行为的处理规定


  1. 拒绝该作者投稿,或者在已经出版的ICMLC会议文集中删除该文章。
  2. 三年之内,禁止该作者向ICMLC投稿
  3. 向该作者导师及所属单位通报其剽窃行为。
  4. 向该作者所属学会道德监督委员会及研究资金资助方通报其剽窃行为。
  5. 在ICMLC会议网站公开剽窃文章的作者姓名、文章题目、作者单位和抄袭行为细节。
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